AMF Monthly Meeting – BTS Facades & Fabrications
From their facility in Newton Aycliffe, BTS offer precision manufacturing and supply of premium quality Facade and Rainscreen systems, including interlocking plank CWCT tested rainscreen systems, architectural cladding, rainscreen facades, rainscreen cladding systems, across the UK.
Come and hear their story from humble beginnings in a small unit in Spennymoor to their state of the art facility in Newton Aycliffe which has one of the nicest facades and reception areas you may see on a factory unit (practicing what they preach) and some fantastic machinery, automation and efficiencies
We will be given a site tour which will bring the company story to life and allow you to see how BTS manufactures, their facades which you have likely seen on many a building across the UK.
12:00 – Arrival, networking & food/refreshments
12:30 – AMF Introduction and manufacturing round-up
12:50 – Phil & Marcia Atkinson, BTS Facades & Fabrications – ‘Their story’
13:20 – Site tour/s (dependent on group sizes)
14:00 – Close