Connect, collaborate and grow
Within the AMF community we encourage you to help and support each other and our aim is to facilitate member to member collaborations and inter-trading opportunities. We do this through identifying and facilitating opportunities, promoting exclusive services and support, and working with members to strengthen their supply chains.
In addition, our Strategic Partners provide exclusive support to AMF members, details of which can be found below.
If you have a service or product you can offer members, need to bolster your supply chain or are seeking assistance in a particular area, the AMF can support you. If you are not an AMF member but have a manufacturing or engineering requirement, please contact us and we can introduce you to companies within our membership who may be able to help you.
Below are some of the current opportunities available to our members.

Taylor Packaging: Free Packaging Review
Leading provider of intelligent, responsive and innovative bespoke packaging solutions, Taylor Packaging is offering AMF members a free packaging consultation.

Atlas Copco: Free #airCHECK
Increase efficiency with a free #airCHECK! As a leading provider of temporary air, power, steam, and nitrogen, Atlas Copco is running an #airCHECK campaign. As part of this, it is offering AMF members a free visual assessment of any air compressor, not just Atlas Copco equipment!

MHA Tait Walker: New Member Offer
AMF Strategic Partner, MHA Tait Walker, is offering new members of the AMF a free consultation of up to two hours to review aspects of the member’s business.

Ward Hadaway: Legal Hotline Service
The hotline service gives AMF members the chance to run a quick query – about any legal matter – by one of Ward Hadaway's lawyers, completely free of charge.

Zenith People: Preferred rates for AMF Members
AMF Strategic Partner Zenith People and its sister company Zenith Training are offering AMF members preferred rates on a range of recruitment and training services.

Horizon Works: Free Marketing Health Check
Horizon Works is offering a free marketing health check which looks at all areas of your marketing from your strategy, brand, messaging and data to your digital presence, PR, marketing campaigns and your internal and external communications.