AMF visit the Port of Tyne to hear the latest on Offshore opportunities and Logistics
Our monthly meeting takes place at The Port of Tyne. We will hear about the latest development from the port in relation to the offshore energy industry, the latest logistical challenges and opportunities
Site Tour before and after presentations for logistical reasons. The tours are limited to 7 per tour so first-come-first served.
11:15 – Start for first tour back for 12:00
12:00 – 12:30 – Arrival, Networking and lunch
12:30 – 13:15 – Presentations from Port of Tyne
13:15 – Second Tour + further networking for any who wish to stay
14:00 – Close
Numbers for the event and especially the tour are restricted so please book quickly.
The main networking arrival time is 12:00 as usual. The earlier start time is to acoomodate a tour before the event for logistical reasons. If you book to go on the tour, a slot before or, after will be allocated to you and we will inform you of which group you will go with.
If you are not part of the first tour, please do not arrive until 12:00, or thereabouts.