AMF Monthly Meeting – Tharsus; site tour
Our September monthly meeting will take us to Tharsus, who are experts in robotics and automation, operating out of their fantastic facility in Blyth.
You will be given the opportunity to tour their factory and see the machines in various stages of production as well as the in-house test facilities.
The event will begin as usual with lunch and networking, we will then hear the story of the origins of the company to where they are now and future plans, followed by the site tour.
12:00 – 12:30 – Arrival, Networking, and lunch
12:30 – 12:45 – Introduction from AMF & Manufacturers round-up
12:45 – 13:30 – Presentation from Tharsus followed by site tour
13:30 – 14:30 – Tours
14:30 – Close
Numbers for the event are restricted so please book quickly.
The site tour will take approx. 50 minutes so please allow a little longer than usual for this event. You will be split into smaller groups to better facilitate the tour. We will aim to finished for 14:30 rather than our usual time of 14:00.