Automation, Robotics and VR
Date: Wednesday, 20 May 2020
Time: 12:00 – 14:00
Venue: AR Controls Ltd, Unit 4 & 6, Sunrise Enterprise Park, Ferryboat Lane, Sunderland, SR5 3RX
Come and see how AMF member, AR Controls has utilised technology to advance the company and improve services to its clients.
AMF visits AR Controls to see firsthand how a company can utilise technology to drive their business forward.
AR Controls is a fast turnaround, experienced technology driven company offering its customers significant productivity and quality improvements to its processes while driving down costs and reducing risk.
We will see how AGVs (automated goods vehicles) are built and tested on site, various robot assembly projects on the go and we will be taken through the VR design process showing designs that have now been manufactured. We will be shown projects still in the design phase which are utilising the VR to assist customers in making critical decisions at design time and not after the fact, and also an important part of the VR is that it helps AR deliver projects on time as they spend less time re-working systems when the customer comes to buy.
We will also hear from SAM Project, who AMF visited last year, on how it assisted AR Controls via its fantastic programme.
Sustainable Advanced Manufacturing is a £5.1M project to support the implementation of product and process development, and the introduction of technology to the SME manufacturing sector, in the NE LEP area. The project is part funded by ERDF (£2.6M) and the University of Sunderland, who are investing £2.5M and managing the delivery of this project.
Digital Catapult NETV will also discuss the benefits of digitisation within the manufacturing process.
Digital Catapult North East Tees Valley (NETV) primarily focuses on regional strengths, including manufacturing and automotive. Its main purpose it to enable startups and scaleups to work with large organisations, by educating traditionally non-digital companies on the value of emerging technologies.
This will be a fantastic opportunity to see how Industry 4.0 is used in real terms, for an SME manufacturer and will demonstrate some of the fantastic opportunities to develop your business and tap into the support available to North East manufacturers.
12:00 – 12:30: Arrival, registration, lunch & networking
12:30 – 12:40: Welcome, Manufacturers round-up and future events
12:40 – 13:10: Andy Ramsey, AR Controls
13:10 – 13:20: Ken Teears/Rita Potts, SAM Project
13:20 – 13:30: Sophie Craggs, Digital Catapult
13:30 – 14:00: Tour of AR Controls and demo
Book your place here.
This will be a very popular event so please book early. Members will be given priority, so if you are not a member, join now here!
There may be restrictions that apply to non-member attendance. Please register and we will be in contact if there are any issues.